If you’ve ever driven across Illinois, you know that the state is packed with farms. Though much of Illinois’ land is covered in corn and soybeans, it also produces an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables – primarily sold at farmers’ markets, and there may be one close to you.
Illinois has the third largest concentration of farmers’ markets in the United States. As an agricultural powerhouse, our state provides many opportunities for those in large- and small-scale agriculture to sell their goods and help provide consumers with the choices they demand.
One of the joys of living in Illinois is the exceptional growing conditions for lawns, gardens and commodities. The great soil, moderate temperatures and adequate water resources of our state have made Illinois a great place to grow the fruits and vegetables we all enjoy. With the gradual rise in temperatures, homeowners and gardening enthusiasts are starting to get outdoors and prepare their lawns and gardens for the upcoming summer.
Spring has come to Illinois, and with it the seasonal rebirth of the natural landscape around us. As the forest floor springs to life, many people take to the timber in search of one of our most delicious natural edibles, the morel mushroom. When you have the right tools to find them, the search can be an exciting and rewarding day spent outdoors with your family and friends.
It’s been a long time since the buffalo roamed the plains of Illinois, but soon a small new herd could graze the fields south of Chicago now that an experimental project has been approved.
The Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, a 19,000-acre prairie maintained by the National Forest Service, has received final approval to conduct an experiment that would allow about two dozen bison of mixed ages to graze the restored land.