Did You Know? Tinker Toys were invented in IllinoisThe famous toy construction kit for children was created in Evanston in 1914 by Charles H. Pajeau, Robert Pettit, and its name sake, Gordon Tinker. Although it was not an immediate success, the toy would soon take off, selling over a million sets after just a few years.

Tinker Toys consist of a wooden spool about 2 inches in diameter with holes drilled in the side at every 45 degrees. Combined with varying lengths of sticks to connect and build, the toy was designed on the Pythagorean progressive right triangle. While the original toy had had natural wooden sticks, designers began coloring them in 1950 with each color being a different length.

Tinker toys have been used to make complex displays and machines. From Ferris wheels to tic-tac-toe-playing computers, the toy has proved itself versatile and innovative.

Learn more:
From Tinkertoy to Computer Programming: Great Moments in Chicago Toys – Chicago Mag
Classic Toy Museum – Tinker Toys