Did You Know? Burl Ives was born in IllinoisBurl Ives, known for singing the Holiday classic Holly Jolly Christmas, was born near Hunt City in Jasper County in 1909. He is also well-known as the singer-narrator of Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, a television special that ran for many years in the 1960s.

Ives began singing at a young age, learning the banjo in high school and dropping out of college to become a traveling banjo-playing folk singer.

Ives earned a job with CBS radio in the 1940s, and would go on to record more than 100 albums in his lifetime. 

While his singing career is most well-known, Ives also starred in more than 30 movies, including Smoky, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and The Big Country, for which he won an Oscar for best supporting actor.

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Burl Ives IMDb Biography
Burl Ives - History.com Profile