Chelbrans MuralOn Oct. 23, 2020, Centralia became the home of an establishment that has adopted a new take on dining. Rather than dishing a single style of food, the Varela family has made a remarkable stride in incorporating Mexican and Chinese cuisine into a single location. The reason for this was to create a friendly atmosphere in which families, couples, and friends could all dine together while enjoying the best of both worlds.

“Chelbran’s is the only place in which you don’t have to bicker with your family about eating Mexican or Chinese for dinner because you’ll find both here. Your cravings will be satisfied.” Varela said. “Families can come together and as simple as it might sound, they can enjoy great food and conversation.”

The Varela family prides themselves on serving fresh Mexican and Chinese dishes. Everything is prepared daily, either upon request or in the mornings as the front doors are opening to welcome customers.

When traveling through Centralia, also recognized as Orphan Nation for their school’s mascot, one may come across this family restaurant’s distinctive, attention-getting emblem planted to the left of its cozy white brick building. The emblem consists of a large shield with the restaurant’s name surrounded by flames placed before two strong centaurs. Although centaurs are often perceived as controversial creatures throughout Greek mythology, it is certain that they are warriors. Centaurs are idealists who fight for what they believe in even if it does not fit within Greek standards.

Overall, the restaurant’s emblem represents an underlying familial message. The Varela parents, Salvador and Maria L. Serrano, have always emphasized the importance of perseverance to their children. They believe that regardless of the difficulty level of the obstacles one must overcome, it is important to keep pushing forward.

“Somos luchadores (We are fighters),” Maria Serrano said. “We wanted to demonstrate our determination and ability to prevail by creating this place. It is intended to encourage our children to dream big but also other people who are in need of a reminder that they too are capable.”

There are over 40 options on Chelbran’s vast menu. Special requests can also be made to the food manager, such as egg drop soup or huevos con chorizo. The services provided are bilingual in English and Spanish.

Bring your family and check out this sensational Illinoisan family restaurant!