In Decatur, agribusiness giant Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) is doubling down in the fight against COVID-19. Not only has the company ramped up production of industrial ethyl alcohol—a critical component of hand sanitizer—but they’ve also donated nearly 10,000 bottles of sanitizer to local health and long-term care facilities.
“We’ve seen a huge demand for hand sanitizer on an industrial scale, and we’re appreciative we’ve been able to rely on our longstanding partner ADM to assist by producing a critical component of hand sanitizer - ethyl alcohol,” said Brett Schleder, director of procurement for Sazerac Company, a New Orleans-based beverage company that has begun producing hand sanitizer during the COVID-19 outbreak. “Together, our efforts combined have helped in the battle against the spread of COVID-19 for team members in various industries across the country.”
Through its social investment program, ADM Cares, ADM is also donating nearly 10,000 1.75-liter bottles of Sazerac’s hand sanitizer to Decatur hospitals and long-term care facilities in need of supplies.
“We recognize that healthcare workers in hospitals and long-term care facilities are on the front lines of the battle with COVID-19 every day, and we are committed to doing our part to support their efforts in Decatur, our North American headquarters and the heart of our largest employee population,” said Jennifer Ballinger, director of ADM Cares.
Read more about how ADM is helping front-line workers in the fight against COVID-19 here.